Fill Your Cup

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It all started when…

I started the Fill your cup workshops to offer a homely and nurturing learning environment for birth and breastfeeding professionals and parents. This idea came from my own experience of attending countless conferences and feeling exhausted, hungry and overwhelmed by the end of them. I’ve also been there with the complete burnout that is so common for those of us working in the birth and breastfeeding world.  

So, I've created something a bit different. Fill your cup. I want you to feel cared for, relaxed, nurtured and inspired. Fill your cup workshops will be small gatherings with awesome speakers in my home. No projectors, complicated powerpoint presentations, jam packed schedules or crappy food. Instead a get together with great food, good quality coffee and teas, awesome speakers, long lunch breaks, space to relax and time to ask the questions you really want to ask without the fear of putting your hand up and being presented with a microphone in a huge space (I'm sure I am not the only one who breaks out into a sweat just thinking about that am i?). Next date for Fill your Cup to be announced soon! follow me on Instagram for updates @carmenibclc